Threads Of Life

“Back through the years I go wandering once again, back to the seasons of my youth. I do recall this box of rags that someone gave us, and how my mamma put those rags to use. There were rags of every color and every piece was small and I didn’t have a coat and it was way down in the fall. Mamma sewed those rags together sewing every piece with love she made my coat of many colors that I was so proud of. While mamma sewed she told a story from the Bible she had read, about a coat of many colors Joseph wore  and then she said, ‘perhaps this coat will bring you good luck and happiness.’ and I just couldn’t wait to wear it, and mamma blessed it with a kiss. Oh my coat of many colors that my mamma made for me, made only from rags but I wore it so proudly. It’s true we had no money, but I was rich as I could be in my coat of many colors that mamma made for me. So with patches on my britches and holes in both my shoes, in my coat of many colors I hurried off to school. Just to find the others laughing and making fun of me and my coat of many colors that mamma made for me. And I couldn’t understand that, for I felt I was rich, and I told them of the love that mamma sewed in every stitch. I even told them all that story that mamma told me while she sewed, and why my coat of many colors was worth more than all their clothes. They couldn’t understand it and I tried to make them see, that one is only poor only if the choose to be. It’s true we had no money, but I was rich as I could be in my coat of many colors that my mamma made for me.”

~Coat Of Many Colors by Dolly Parton~

I heard this the other day and it’s been on my mind ever since. I’ve always felt that this song captures the spirit of my family. We really didn’t have a lot sometimes, but my parents worked hard to make sure that we had enough and to make what we did have special. As in this song sewing had a special place in my family’s life. Sewing something special for someone is a joy that my mom taught us at an early age. I remember her making sure that we had dresses and when I was in college she made me an amazing costume for a play that I was in. Not to leave my dad out as I’ve said in the previous post he has made some beautiful quilts. I have a lap quilt that he made for me when I was in high school on the quilt rack in my living room. I still have a bonnet and bags and various other things that my grandmother made for me over the years. Sewing has been a very important thread (yes I said it) running through my life. Some of my favorite memories revolve around fabric and needles.

Thank you for reading this. It’s just a few thoughts that have been buzzing around my mind for a little while. If you have anything you’d like to share or have a similar story please leave a comment and tell me about it. I would love to hear. If you don’t know how to sew yet I would encourage you to try it in some form. Trust me, the memories will last more than a lifetime.

I hope you have a lovely day,

~Sarah~ head sewgician

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